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Digital Extremes

2022-06-25 20:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Internships and Co-op Opportunities

At Digital Extremes, we proudly pour creativity, innovation, hard work, and above all, fun, into our games. We’re looking for driven, passionate students to join our dynamic team to shape the future.

We offer internships and Co-op opportunities across a wide spectrum of disciplines including programming, web development, data science, marketing, QA, IT, art, design, and more! Interns and Co-ops who join DE will learn, grow, and experience our exciting work culture while teaming up with some of the most talented people in the industry.

Students will work closely with our development teams and directly contribute to DE projects -- and DE’s internships offer long-term potential, with many Co-op/interns re-joining us full-time when they graduate. Students must be enrolled in a Cooperative Learning or Internship Program with their respective schools. Please apply directly through your school's Co-Op or Intern Program Officer.






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